
Nightmare AI: Everything You Need to Know

November 26, 2023 | by maxernest

nightmareai homepage

What is NightmareAI?

NightmareAI is a team of AI researchers and artists who develop and publish AI models on Replicate and GitHub. They specialize in developing AI models to generate, enhance, and stylize images and videos. Some of their most popular models include:

  • Real-ESRGAN: The state-of-the-art image super-resolution model.
  • CogVideo: A model that generates videos from textual descriptions.
  • k-diffusion: A model that generates images from text prompts.
  • disco-diffusion: A model that creates psychedelic and surreal images.
  • latent-sr: A model that super-resolves the latent representations of images.
  • arf-svox2: A model that converts images to 3D scenes using artistic radiance fields and NeRF 3D reconstruction.

Although the name “NightmareAI” may be a bit unsettling, their work is actually quite impressive and inspiring.

Features and Models of NightmareAI AI

NightmareAI has a number of exciting features and models, including:


nightmareai real-esrgan
Real-ESRGAN is the state-of-the-art image super-resolution model available today. It can increase the resolution of images up to 4x without sacrificing image quality. Real-ESRGAN is particularly useful for improving the resolution of old images or images taken with low-resolution cameras.

Real-ESRGAN works by analyzing the input image and identifying existing patterns and features. The model then uses this information to generate an output image that has a higher resolution, but still retains the detail and quality of the input image.

Real-ESRGAN can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Improving the resolution of old images or images taken with low-resolution cameras.
  • Improving the resolution of compressed or resized images.
  • Improving the resolution of images for printing or display on a large screen.
  • Improving the resolution of images for use in videos or other applications.


nightmareai cogvideo
CogVideo is an AI model that can generate videos from textual descriptions. The model is trained on a large dataset of videos and text descriptions, and can generate realistic and informative videos. CogVideo can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Creating explainer videos for new products or services.
  • Creating promotional videos for events or businesses.
  • Creating music videos.
  • Creating educational videos for students or employees.
  • Creating training videos for employees.


nightmareai k-diffusion
k-diffusion is an AI model that can generate images from text prompts. The model is trained on a large dataset of images and text, and can generate realistic and informative images. k-diffusion can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Creating concept art for new products or services.
  • Creating illustrations for books, magazines, or websites.
  • Creating unique and engaging art images.
  • Creating images for use in video games or other applications.


nightmareai disco-diffusion
Disco-diffusion is an AI model that creates psychedelic and surreal images. The model is trained on a large dataset of images and text, and can generate unique and compelling images that cannot be created by other methods. Disco-diffusion can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Creating unique and engaging art images.
  • Creating images for use in music or videos.
  • Creating images for use in graphic design or web design.
  • Creating images for use in research or experimentation.


nightmareai latent-sr
Latent-sr is an AI model that super-resolves the latent representations of images. The model is trained on a large dataset of images and text, and can generate sharper and more detailed images. Latent-sr can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Increasing the resolution of images generated by other models, such as k-diffusion and disco-diffusion.
  • Increasing the resolution of compressed or resized images.
  • Increasing the resolution of images for printing or display on a large screen.
  • Increasing the resolution of images for use in videos or other applications.


nightmareai arf-svox2
Arf-Svox2 is a model that transfers style from images to 3D scenes using artistic radiance fields and NeRF 3D reconstruction. The model can style 3D graphics for video games, films, VR, and design exploration.

Arf-Svox2 is useful for creating visually appealing 3D environments and assets by applying artistic image style to 3D rendering. Arf-Svox2 can be used for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Transferring image style to 3D graphics
  • Stylized 3D models for games, films, VR, and design
  • Built on top of NeRF 3D reconstruction

How to Use NightmareAI AI

nightmareai login/signup
Here are the steps on how to use NightmareAI:

  • Visit the official NightmareAI AI website. To get started with NightmareAI, you first need to visit the official NightmareAI AI website.
  • Create an account and log in. If you are new to NightmareAI AI, you will need to create an account. You can do this by clicking the “Register” button. Note that for now, the account used must be a Github account.
  • Choose the model you want to use. NightmareAI offers a variety of AI models, such as k-diffusion, disco-diffusion, Real-ESRGAN, CogVideo, and arf-svox2. Choose the model that best suits your needs.
  • Prepare your input. If you want to generate an image, you will need to prepare a text prompt. If you want to increase the resolution of an image or video, you will need to prepare the input image or video.
  • Send your request. Once you have prepared your input, you can send your request to the NightmareAI server. You can do this by using the NightmareAI API or by using the notebook provided by NightmareAI.
  • Wait for your results. After you send your request, the NightmareAI server will begin processing it. Processing time will vary depending on the size and complexity of your input.
  • Download your results. Once the NightmareAI server has finished processing your request, you can download your results. Your results will be either an image or video, depending on the model you used.

Here are the instructions on how to use NightmareAI:

  • To generate images: You can use the k-diffusion or disco-diffusion models to generate images from text prompts. You can also use the latent-sr model to increase the resolution of images generated by other models.
  • To improve videos: You can use the Real-ESRGAN model to increase the resolution of videos.
  • To stylize images and videos: You can use the arf-svox2 model to stylize the sound in videos.

NightmareAI Pricing

nightmareai pricing/harga
NightmareAI uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model on Replicate, billed by the second. When you are not running anything, you will not be charged. Here is a full explanation of NightmareAI pricing:

Hardware Price GPU CPU GPU RAM RAM
CPU $0.000100/sec
4x 8GB
Nvidia T4 GPU $0.000225/sec
1x 4x 16GB 8GB
Nvidia A40 GPU $0.000575/sec
1x 4x 48GB 16GB
Nvidia A40 (Large) GPU $0.000725/sec
1x 10x 48GB 72GB
Nvidia A100 (40GB) GPU $0.001150/sec
1x 10x 40GB 72GB
Nvidia A100 (80GB) GPU $0.001400/sec
1x 10x 80GB 144GB
8x Nvidia A40 (Large) GPU $0.005800/sec
8x 48x 8x 48GB 680GB

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is NightmareAI a free tool?

Yes, NightmareAI offers a free tier that allows you to use some of its models with some limitations. If you want to use NightmareAI to its full potential, you will need to pay.

NightmareAI uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model on Replicate, billed by the second. When you are not running anything, you will not be charged.

Can I use NightmareAI without creating an account?

Yes, you can use NightmareAI without creating an account. However, you will have access to more limited features and you may have to wait longer to get your results.

How long does it take NightmareAI to process an image?

The processing time for NightmareAI varies depending on the size and complexity of your image. Larger and more complex images will take longer to process.

Can I use NightmareAI for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use NightmareAI for commercial purposes. NightmareAI has a commercial license that allows you to use their AI models in your products and services.


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